"What do you expect, you always wait till the last moment."
While we continue to anticipate the world-shattering piece my partner, Death Mask, will write on her worsening medical condition, I will post another gmail chat tibit to sate our appetites for all things YHTALMM. This conversation takes place between myself, HCE, and CLF, which stands for Cute Little Feet.
12:59 PM CLF: ...I don't know what goes on inside your head.
HCE: But you can imagine.
I think you should imagine the inside of my head as an interminable spy v. spy comic
1:00 PM That's pretty accurate
(9 minutes later)
(9 minutes later)
1:09 PM HCE: Did you catch my spy v. spy comment?
I thought it was really good.
CLF: yes.
it was
are you filming me?